



Immune Booster

Benefits of Vitamin C

One of the vital roles of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is to act as an antioxidant to protect cellular components from free radical damage. Ascorbic acid has been shown to scavenge free radicals directly in the aqueous phases of cells and the circulatory system.

Vitamin C stimulates the production of Interferon I.

Interferon is secreted by cells in response to stimulation by a virus or other foreign substance, but it does not directly inhibit the virus’s multiplication. Rather, it stimulates the infected cells and those nearby to produce proteins that prevent the virus from replicating within them.

Research shows higher intakes of vitamin C may reduce the level of markers for inflammation by up to 45 percent.

Supports and directly stimulates cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Vitamin C also plays a key role in the production of Membranes & Connective Tissue- Physical Barriers to bacteria and virus’s spreading internally.

Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen. Studies have shown that the vitamin can help speed the healing process of wounds.

Vitamin C IV Infusion Therapy Research

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, ascorbate, or L-ascorbic acid. This water-soluble vitamin is an antioxidant that can hinder oxidative stress, and is crucial in working with enzymes in order to produce collagen. However, this particular vitamin is a nutrient that is not produced in the body. Therefore, Vitamin C can be obtained from both dietary supplements, and food products. For instance, Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits including, but not limited to: oranges, lemons, strawberries, leafy (green) vegetables, tomatoes, and green and red peppers, amongst other foods.

Vitamin C also aides in blocking free radicals, or molecules that are detrimental to our cells, and can cause great damage. The vitamin is said to avert various types of cancers such as: cervical cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer. Additionally, along with these cancers, leukemia, intestinal, bladder, salivary gland cancers, stomach, non-Hodgkinโ€™s lymphoma, and esophageal cancer, are also said to be prevented by the vitamin. Some anti-cancer drugs in particular, are said to be intensified by Vitamin C. The harmful effects of other chemotherapy drugs are lessened, and the vitamin supposedly plays a role in hindering the spreading of tumors. In addition, studies show that in the laboratory, increased doses of Vitamin C, may result in the termination of cancer cells.

High Dosage Vitamin C treatment has been shown to help some individuals with the influenza virus manage symptoms, shorten the duration of the illness, and decrease inflammation to vital organs such as the lungs, which are at particular high risk for damage.

Vitamin C IV Infusion Therapy, or IV infusion, seems to be more beneficial than taking the vitamin orally. This is due to the fact that it is able to reach increased levels in the blood through the infusion. Individuals who lack Vitamin C, are susceptible to such things as, diseases or illnesses that are associated with symptoms including: feeling lethargic, bruising easily, bleeding, and feeling very weak, as well as the disease scurvy. Vitamin C deficient patients with this disease, possess collagen that is thinner in texture. When these individuals are given Vitamin C, the collagen is capable of becoming thicker once again.

Overall, Vitamin C is needed in limited quantities for healthy ligaments, healthy cartilage and bones, skin, tendons, and blood vessels. Additionally, it is necessary in order to heal injuries, as well as wounds. Lastly, it aides in absorbing iron from food products, for the body to take in.

The importance of Vitamin C was first discovered when sea explorers in the 16th & 18th centuries were in poor health condition with a disease known as scurvy. These men showed initial symptoms including appetite loss, poor weight gain, diarrhea, hemorrhaging, swelling, and paralysis. As the disease progressed, they presented with bleeding of the gums and eyes, as well as loosened teeth, protruding eyes, skin disorders, and an autoimmune disease affecting connective tissue. James Lind, an officer and naval surgeon, discovered that when given oranges and lemons, scurvy symptoms were alleviated. It was later discovered that the vitamin C found in these fruits was the true cure to this disease, which is caused by Vitamin C deficiency. Since the human body is unable to synthesize or store Vitamin C on its own, it depends on daily dietary consumption to acquire this essential nutrient, and when not enough is present in the diet, scurvy symptoms will develop.

Vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that we absorb from the food that we eat. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, as Humans are unable to synthesize it, and must consume it in our diets or through supplementation. It is one of the most necessary vitamins in our diets as it enables the body to perform a large number of cellular functions.

It is very difficult to eat and drink enough of the Vitamin C you need to consume the amount necessary for a high dose used for medical purposes. And damaged cells do not absorb vitamins, minerals, and nutrients effectively. IV Therapy effectively delivers Vitamin C directly into the bloodstream to be absorbed for use within the cell.

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