IV Vitamin Therapy


Improved Energy, Mood, Memory and Concentration


Improved Immune Response, Recovery, Hydration, Inflammation


Alleviates Inflammation, Seasonal Allergies, Cramps, Migraines, Fatigue 


Improved Healing, Immunity, and Energy, Powerful Antioxidant

Vitamin C IV Infusion Therapy

Discover the rejuvenating power of IV therapy at Heart and Health Medical. Our IV therapy services feature the renowned Myers Cocktail โ€“ a carefully crafted blend of essential vitamins and minerals that offer a multitude of health benefits.

The Myers Cocktail includes a combination of vital nutrients, each contributing to your overall well-being:

  • B Vitamins: These essential nutrients play a pivotal role in energy production, growth, and development. They support the nervous system, promote healthy skin, aid in digestion, and contribute to various bodily functions.

  • Vitamin C: Known for its immune-boosting properties, Vitamin C also helps safeguard against cardiovascular disease and eye conditions. It can enhance skin appearance, leaving you feeling refreshed.

  • Calcium: Beyond fortifying bones and preventing osteoporosis, calcium plays a crucial role in protecting cardiac muscles, regulating blood pressure, and alleviating premenstrual depression.

  • Magnesium: This mineral aids in calcium absorption, reducing the risk of diabetes, maintaining heart health, and providing relief from migraines and PMS symptoms. It also helps alleviate anxiety, promoting a sense of calm.

Vitamin C IV Infusion Therapy Research

Benefits of Vitamin C


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a potent antioxidant that plays a crucial role in safeguarding your cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. These unstable molecules can wreak havoc on your cellular components, leading to various health issues. Fortunately, vitamin C acts as a guardian, defending your body against oxidative damage.


Vitamin C, a versatile nutrient with multifaceted benefits, has the capacity to stimulate the production of Interferon I. This crucial aspect of its function doesn’t involve directly inhibiting the virus’s multiplication. Instead, it leverages its unique capabilities to empower your body’s defense mechanisms.

Immune Booster

Vitamin C, a remarkable nutrient, serves as a catalyst for numerous cellular functions within your immune system. Its influence extends to both the innate and adaptive branches, orchestrating a harmonious symphony of defense.


Inflammation, often an underlying factor in various health conditions, can be tamed by the remarkable properties of vitamin C. By incorporating this powerful antioxidant into your dietary regimen, you can harness its ability to combat inflammation and promote overall well-being.

Improved Recovery

The importance of vitamin C extends far beyond its reputation as an immune booster. This essential nutrient plays a pivotal role in collagen synthesis, a fundamental process for wound healing. Research has demonstrated that vitamin C can expedite the recovery process of wounds.

Vitamin C IV Therapy

Benefits Vitamin C IV Therapy

Vitamin C, known by its scientific names such as ascorbic acid, ascorbate, or L-ascorbic acid, is a remarkable water-soluble vitamin with a host of essential roles in maintaining our health. One striking feature of this nutrient is that it acts as a potent antioxidant, combating oxidative stress and supporting enzymatic processes, most notably in collagen production. Intriguingly, our bodies cannot produce this vital vitamin, emphasizing the need to obtain it through our diet or supplements.

The rich tapestry of vitamin C sources includes a variety of fruits and vegetables like oranges, lemons, strawberries, leafy greens, tomatoes, and colorful bell peppers. These dietary treasures are not only delicious but also serve as key contributors to our well-being.

Beyond its antioxidant prowess, vitamin C emerges as a guardian against free radicals, which can wreak havoc on our cells and contribute to various cancers. Studies suggest that cervical, prostate, pancreatic, lung, breast, leukemia, intestinal, bladder, salivary gland, stomach, non-Hodgkinโ€™s lymphoma, and esophageal cancers may be deterred by vitamin C. Furthermore, the vitamin can enhance the effectiveness of certain anti-cancer drugs while mitigating the side effects of chemotherapy and impeding tumor spread. In laboratory settings, high doses of vitamin C have even demonstrated the ability to terminate cancer cells.

In the realm of infectious diseases, vitamin C steps in as a defender against the influenza virus. High-dosage vitamin C treatment has shown promise in managing symptoms, shortening illness duration, and reducing inflammation, particularly in organs like the lungs, which are susceptible to damage.

For individuals deficient in vitamin C, consequences can include lethargy, easy bruising, bleeding, weakness, and scurvy, a disease marked by thin collagen. With vitamin C supplementation, collagen can regain its strength and resilience.

In essence, vitamin C is a vital nutrient that contributes to robust ligaments, healthy cartilage and bones, resilient skin, flexible tendons, and well-functioning blood vessels. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in wound healing and injury recovery while facilitating the absorption of dietary iron. Harness the power of vitamin C, a nutrient that stands at the intersection of health and vitality.

What is Vitamin C

Vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that we absorb from the food that we eat. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, as Humans are unable to synthesize it, and must consume it in our diets or through supplementation. It is one of the most necessary vitamins in our diets as it enables the body to perform a large number of cellular functions.

Vitamin C IV Therapy

It is very difficult to eat and drink enough of the Vitamin C you need to consume the amount necessary for a high dose used for medical purposes. And damaged cells do not absorb vitamins, minerals, and nutrients effectively. IV Therapy effectively delivers Vitamin C directly into the bloodstream to be absorbed for use within the cell.

Discovery of Vitamin C

The importance of Vitamin C was first discovered when sea explorers in the 16th & 18th centuries were in poor health condition to a disease known as scurvy. These men showed initial symptoms including appetite loss, poor weight gain, diarrhea, hemorrhaging, swelling, and paralysis. As the disease progressed, they presented with bleeding of the gums and eyes, as well as loosened teeth, protruding eyes, skin disorders, and an autoimmune disease affecting connective tissue. James Lind, an officer, and naval surgeon, discovered that when given oranges and lemons, scurvy symptoms were alleviated. It was later discovered that the vitamin C found in these fruits was the true cure for this disease, which is caused by Vitamin C deficiency. Since the human body cannot synthesize or store Vitamin C on its own, it depends on daily dietary consumption to acquire this essential nutrient. When not enough is present in the diet, scurvy symptoms will develop.